DeFi in Beans!
Blend and Beans for a decentralised future

Exciting news! I am super excited to introduce you to Blend; our DeFI lending and borrowing partner in the Beans app! we strive to get the best options available in the Beans app, and with Blend, we will be able to introduce more assets and generate sustainable yield! In this article, you'll be able to read about Blend, and what amazing features will come to the Beans app!
Beans x Blend demo
We started Meridian off with a banger! During one of the first speeches of Meridian 2023, we were given the chance to show off our smart contract DeFi integration with Blend. This allowed us to show the potential that new and coming DeFi integrations to the stellar network have, and we proved that a seamless integration between DeFi platforms and the Beans App is possible. Allowing us to show this to the world at Meridian is more than exciting!
Check out the demo of this feature on our twitter!
Meet Blend
Blend is a DeFi (decentralized finance) protocol that allows any entity to create or utilize an immutable lending market that fits its needs. Blend is one the first Stellar partners that is working on a DeFi lending and borrowing protocol on the Stellar blockchain, and has partnered up with Beans to show off one of the first proof-of-concept integrations with their dApps!
Although this is still in the proof-of-concept phase, we wanted to let you know that we want to release this amazing feature sooner rather than later. There are still a lot of challenges to overcome before a complete integration with Blend is realized, but both teams are working together to create a safe and secure integration. Keep the app updated to receive this feature as soon as it is released!